Page Three

A Blog, A Path, Enchanted Words


Finding One’s Spiritual Perspective

Walking the path of spiritual destiny has its difficulties. Too many people seem to know more about the soul’s direction and perspective yet have no clue what they are talking about. Leading people down the wrong road and ending up doing more damage to the soul trekking its way down the many roads of life. Missing the truth of just what spirituality means. Finding one’s spiritual path takes us on an avenue where lessons are brought to us. And there are many to be had. What to believe in and have faith in Higher Power. Each of us has our perspective about the Higher Power and how it inflicts its reality with life and our soul’s path. One step at a time down the road of life can seem daunting but there are lessons to be learned for the soul’s direction in finding the truth needed for the spiritual path to be understood.

Spirituality is an understanding of your beliefs and faith in the Higher Power’s ways of communicating and directing your spirit’s line of direction for the truth of how life is made up of choices. Those involving the church, pastor, reading the Bible, and taking the interpretation of what is being brought to you, words with a mindset on believing how those choices bring the road to the Higher Power’s truths for you to follow. A faithfulness about your perspective with a Higher Power’s direction for a spiritual touch upon the soul. Your feelings of just what you need for living with the Higher Power in your life, your trek throughout life with a learned way set upon your spirit, and the result, belief.

Are you strong in your belief in the Higher Power’s direction for your soul? Can you believe in the lessons brought to you so the trek through life is not so hard to understand, spiritually that is? Do you know the difference between the quacks giving you false truths of faith? Reach deep into your soul’s path and follow the truth of the Higher Power’s way for your spirit’s belief in His way of spirituality.

Contemplating A Direction for Spirit

We have some problems within ourselves. Most people do not care and have no respect for the fact they are making life for some people miserable. That said, thank you for pausing your thoughts. The times of our lives are busy, distracting, sad, and depressing. When the moment arises some people will sit, look at a phone, go on the computer for media, social media, and lastly watch TV. That is somewhat not relaxing. Computer work to some is writing, or reading, to them that is relaxing and enjoyable for the spirit. I agree, which I do often. Having been so long getting back into that realm, I feel wonderful that my spirit has gained some momentum with having a spiritual path set. But the people who are stuck in the groove of personal space with gadgets need some time out room for the spirit to stop the blue screen, per se, find a place to remove yourself from surrounding electronics and whatever is keeping you from moving in your spiritual direction, be silent, ask to clear your mind, your thoughts.

Take some deep breaths, exhale slowly through the nose, and just listen to whatever is positive and comforting through your mindset. Remember, these techniques take time, it is not something you can respond to within a few minutes a day. You can pick the times and lengths that feel right for you. Many people will not care about anything related to relaxing, enjoying time amongst family, and doing their way of what is considered relaxing. The walking some people do is terrific for the spirit to be distant from the electronic hold we all have to some degree. Nature brings in filtered ways how our spirit responds to the outward surrounding environment. Look at a seedling. See the difficult time it must become a normal size tree. The seedling does not have a brain, as we do, but it is persevering. Will take whatever gets thrown at it during the seasons. As our planet changes because of Climate Change, it is becoming harder for that little seedling to make a full-grown tree.

Our Government and many countries are now doing something to improve the way Climate Change is forming on our planet. Within several years the planet should be making improvements that can make life on this planet bearable. I wish that I could live long enough to see what technology, autos, and the planet do to make our environment livable.

Well, I am not professional, but have done many things to improve my well-being. And now getting back into my spirituality to become closer to the Higher Power for direction and healing ways. I have my spiritual dynamics which are geared for me, not a religious routine, I do what can to bring in God, I just have what is needed to be comfortable with His teachings. I mention God, The Lord, and Holy Spirit in my writing at times but you go to whomever it is for your spiritual direction. I would not make you sway toward what I think is the “right” way of belief. Too many pastors, preachers, etc., want you to do what they say is directly in the Bible and that is it, period. The way the Bible is interpreted and how life has changed so much now, we must find a path that gives us the truth, belief, and faith, needed for our belief system to be educated. Yes, it is education. Which by the way is a way to get the Wisdom needed for our daily lives and spiritual path.

Be well, take some time out, and hope everyone can have the best living experience. So many people are in tough times, and I pray for those who need healing, comfort, and direction from the negative (to some, evil manipulation) within their spirit.

How Our Faith Overcomes

The walk is pleasant, the air breezy and a shallow warmth to it. A view seen from the top of the small hill is a wondrous site. The ocean is somewhat choppy but as it gets closer to the shore, there is a calmness that makes the flow of waves serene and quietly breaking. The sun is risen to a new morning and is shrouded by white, whispy, clouds. So, I plant my chair in the sandy knoll and spend hours admiring the evolution of how another day slowly returns to the nightly duties of darkness. Then within the dark moments set before me, I get to admire the moon’s shining across the waves and the terrain I have settled in. Each moment brings tranquility across my spirit for a mindset that creates an in-depth understanding of Mother Nature and a spiritual belief in one’s Higher Power.

Where in there is a truth of His existence for my faith to follow and bring my spirit a door into His wondrous world so much like heaven is here for a visit. I should be tired but there is so much to see and hear I cannot miss this for even a second. And, what will I do when the sun rises for even more beauty abounding with so much greatness of life?

Although the events surrounding me have hardly quenched the remembrance of the world outside of where I am. The roads are busy, and people will become rude and arrogant as they pass, rushing for the next subway. Driving to make the deadline found at the job they do. The media will be inundated with negative stories of living life, with very few positive segments for the positive people of the world. We, the positive, have to make our way through life with choices that give us the positive level found in our spirits, to keep the faith intact to battle the negativity swirling around the streets of life.

The night is beginning to settle down and bring some quietness across my spirit. There, at that one moment, I gained a calmness which becomes growing inward my soul. I carry that with me wherever I go. Thus, the worldly ways do not steal my wonderment and my soul has grown again from a spiritual sense. I can touch the ways of mankind with so much power of love and belief, some have no clue as to why they feel better as I have brushed their mind with His wonderment…a truth only He can present so our faith overcomes the negative lifestyle, which, by the way, tries to invade our spirits with dissension and a hollowed out soul.

I sit on my chair for as long as I can…there is more to come, again, and again.

The Way

Oh, I love this path of righteousness,
every time it strikes my senses there is
no way to exit the sensation that comes over me.
Uplifting and the feelings Devine.
The path is well into my soul,
what a bowl of mixed emotions that overcome
the mighty way my inner self is delighted to feel.

The wheel turns and gives me many ways to sense the sensation,
one time it shows the heart,
another time the spirit’s outward giving to another,
it all comes back to me,
encompassing my soul for so many ways to feel,
how it is so determined to make the heel of my own feet
swell with the filled flowing of blood.

Oh, it goes away in time,
but the sensation is not lost.
Nor is it displaced where it cannot be felt,
what a feeling for the soul to ponder.

The structure of the path is strong,
built for the mindset to encase its powerful healing,
wheeling in what has shown direction becomes.
The Righteous of the Moon,
and Wind.

It all comes to me for my love of it,
with all that I give for my eternal life, hereafter,
the path was given and shown to be done in the soul.

Walking, walking, ever so much walking.
The path is for me relying upon the soul’s beliefs.
There the truth of my mind will become the way of life.
Choices will make the path a reality,
divinity has a way for the mind and soul to connect,
healing is the direction,
for mind,
the spirit,
my senses and ways after that of living life, choices.

Are there ways to become stronger?
Yes, if belief in the ways of the light,
brightness, and power,
the inner sanction of truth from belief.
More and more it comes to me.

The fierce mentality of light is overwhelming,
my senses are filled with faith,
the walk is finally here to end,
and what amending of my soul.

I have learned.

Earning the lesson of life,
directed by the soul,
seen within by the sign of living,
it is my directive for truth.

The way is finalized,
and I live with the light of life, His.

Spiritual Living

It is difficult to write about something that has so many views tied to it. Many people have their living ways and how they live spiritually. I think spiritual living means bringing faith, love, belief, and daily wanderings into focus. Using this ability, the spirit must keep the mind in a better mental state during difficult or even happy times. Giving the spirit free rein to accommodate what the soul needs to function, looking spiritually in the direction a path needs to go, so the trek is not distracted from the vision.

The vision is not of sight but of heart. Taking the faith-minded truths to a level of understanding. Keeping what the spirit believes in for integrity and character and evolving with growth. We must always grow from within. It is hard for some, and many people never reach the levels needed to enrich their spiritual living; becoming svelte with nothing to grow by. Willowy from what not the spirit could intake to become heavy with the growth of love, life, spirituality, and beliefs.

Stepping up to the beliefs and believing what is needed for the spirit to live spiritually, is an important truth to follow. One cannot live with the total direction given by religion without the truth and belief it is there for all concepts of life. How to live through this and that, what direction to take if trouble happens, and what advice to give and receive. There are many factors to follow, or lead, with religion. I think giving the spiritual side of life, the Bible’s inner strength (but not taking every word as the only way), using many faiths for guidance, and believing in God as a spiritual being, encompasses the mind and soul with a feeling of comfort. Knowing the reading, beliefs, and faith, takes you to another level of consciousness. Being aware of the Lord, His guidance, God’s level for the mind, and the Holy Spirit’s all inner strengths, there is much to learn and decipher. And deciphering is the key to what you want and need from reading whatever is there for your truths to be real.

Spiritual living takes many factors of life and throws them at you from all directions. Catching each one at a given moment for your needs could be a difficult task. That is where faith and strength come in. Deciding which of those thoughts or inner-felt feelings need to be placed for later use, plus the thinking process immediately from the brain so information can be deciphered for understanding. I’m confusing myself here, I think. The process takes enormous amounts of energy, and a willingness to use the brain for understanding spiritual direction, and what is sent from God as opposed to yourself. Have faith though, it all comes together at some point, and you’ll be amazed at how easy it seemed to happen. Read and find everything you need to understand spirituality. That focus takes you beyond religion and helps you to understand where in life you want to go. Religion is not for everyone but can be useful for growth into what spiritual living has to offer.

The Written Way

The written way is found only in the spiritual essence of the soul and will never become complacent. Each part of the formulation for words is inlaid with several different intentions, becoming a map for the imagination to follow. How one does so is up to them. The spiritual inward belief is everything to what writing is and will become. It is not easily trekked. Be aware of the written way, within its calm existence lies a demanding consumption of thought, an extreme sense of life, and creating a wonderment only seen as reading the words so put there for your enjoyment.

Enchanted Words

Writing brings with each word, each sentence, a portrayal of life found within a writer’s heart. Time is given through fantasy, imagination, or truth. A writer can only make happen with a gift, so given for your reading pleasure.

A Message from the Trek

We walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Many times, one will take treks throughout life where it becomes evident that they are in trouble. When put in that situation there often seems to be only one outcome. a devastating end to living. But a few will step out of the situation and walk beyond the valley of death. Beyond the darkness that was shown to them coming at a rapid pace. One would wonder how that was possible when many were never allowed to make that walk without getting to the end of the valley. It takes the all-encompassing denial of getting past the darkness without having an entrance of light, put there by an unwavering truth to the power of faith. One may have that power of faith whereas another may not. Receiving strength to know the end is not near and the life seen in the darkness is there for them to step through and take it.

As the light begins to open the portal of life, and when passing through it to the other side, something happens to the spirit. The scene is made with nothing but goodness and happiness with an understanding the one privileged to pass through makes it their life’s mission to invoke the same everywhere they travel or live for the rest of their lives. This happens in only a millisecond yet seems an eternity has passed when comes through to the other side. Step by step a person so fortunate shall take as they progress throughout their lives. Nothing can be explained to anybody without scrutiny or disbelief. So, one moves along in their adventure with the only belief known to them how they passed through the valley of death. The touch upon their soul was a gift. And they do what was shown to them in the worst moment of their life.

There is nothing put before them but one message. I will fear no evil, for thou art is with me. And it is instilled in their beliefs nothing shall waver that conviction put upon their souls. One after another they make known how happy they are, not explaining to each of the lucky people the walk they took to make that happen. And when asked why they were so happy, they answered with a small but semi-truthful answer. I walk throughout each day knowing the trek has nothing before them but happiness, it is the only way for them to succeed in life. I hope whoever they cross shall take that happiness with their spirit as well. Most take the answer with a smile. Many smirks and go about their way. That is their choice and will not deter one’s life mission, as promised when given the life task. The choices we make have consequences. They are always either a good one or a bad one. There are no middle avenues to the consequences. Each choice goes down in the spirit as the true belief at that moment. It is at the end of that choice that the truth lies. Is it then and only then that they understand it was the right choice made? There is only one outcome to that question, yes.

And the walk continues…

Getting Back Up

Adversity hurts, but when turning it around the world opens, and becomes the walkway into many aspects of what life is. Very clearly, it is a trek not without difficulties. One path makes life undaunting, a never-ending way of relentless possibilities where the result cannot be anything, that is, obstacles. Another path gives direction but has nothing to make it grow within yourself. Even if are believe your ways are true, that path gives birth to nothing, just that, nothing. No one lets you know how well you are doing; they’re lost as much as you. Sometimes a path can make life a little better, the worst seems to be behind you, and the way is convincing enough for comfort. Yet, the horizon awaits. There, it takes your inner self and lets you know the water is rising, slowly, and the difficulty is on its way. You feel it. That feeling does not disband throughout your life. Always making you restless, refusing to move ahead. Even when given a chance.

As we go about the walkway of life there are different levels that we pass through. Amongst the roads with avenues, you can find many irrational ways of thought that can take your inner-self way far outside the realm of normal, out there into a place unrecognizable. It is very hard to grasp the result, wherein that road avenue you can see the direction within sight. It shows an ending or a beginning, you must decide, and find which level you want. One moment in time another level will show itself. You seek the result you want but it is hard to find the courage to go within for a stance you need to withdraw just in case. It will be difficult to understand the straightness this avenue becomes. A lack of turns and adversity is found, yes, it will hurt, and yes, there may be something that you will not like at the end if one comes. But just because the road’s way is lacking turns, you are made for this road laid out before you.

This moment lets you know which roads to take. Which avenue is needed because knowing why it is there, you recognize the surrounding paths? That magic shows you are finding the too-long mention is staying way often, way long for consumption. You need to understand there is a reality to pulling yourself back up every time you fall (I just heard that, which is why I wrote it). As the level of experience takes you farther into your revelation of truth, never mind the results are becoming different than would allow, it is about arising within. That truth you were looking for down those many avenues within the roads. Past the levels, past the negativity, reaching the sense of what the horizon lets you seek. There is living on the other side.

Getting back up, and overcoming the overbearing lesson presented itself.


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