A Blog, A Path, Enchanted Words

Hello, I am Albert,

I have had quite a journey with my writing. From writing every day for hours on end to a point in my life, it would be days, months, or even years before I would write something. Battling depression took away my passion for writing. In time though, I got better and doing great. I did not get seriously into writing till later in life. Certain aspects of my life changed, and the spark was lit to put words down. I enjoy poetry mostly; on occasion, you will see short stories and my thoughts and insights.

I love bringing words into the readers' spirit, taking them on a road of an imaginative direction for their reading pleasure. Please take your time to go through my words, maybe find within them touching your spiritual or living ways. Words are powerful commodities; they take the inner ways of thought on awesome journeys. Enchanted Words Essence (www.enchantedwordsessence.com) was created for my words to give readers a different perspective on writing. I hope you enjoy your journey through this interim, entering the realm of imaginative reading. Be well and try to be as positive as possible. It projects outward from your being to others.

The Written Way…intro

Through and through the ways of thought come the insatiable comments of life, love, and living. To whom do these words sense their beginning? Why is there a thought that projects them into an idealistic living entity? Oh, it does not matter, but the time to decipher is coming, and there needs a path for those words to follow. The event of morning tends to be the best of times for thoughts to accumulate and be counted, sorted, and then processed for a reality lived amongst the brilliance of the mind.

Waiting and waiting for the coming of such words may entail the greatness of day and well into the wonderment of night. To each, there is a compromise and if have a choice, the making of a wordy synopsis for thoughts can be an annoying, deliberate, and sent array. Wondering if they are initiated by something far-reaching the norm of mind’s way? They could be, yes, could very well be, oh though, it would not be that easy.

Enter my friends. Come forth for the unveiling of your existence. That’s right, step up close and be counted. Seek the path needed for your way, the instilled living well of The Written Way. Yes, my friends, you are safe from those erasing and mind-boggling attempts to obscure the truth of why came this far. Reach out to the mind and become living, all brilliance from thought, intellectually stunning with each read. So it seems…

Speak and the tree moves with grace, see and the water swells with each motion of the wave, listen for the spirit of life, touching the earth’s force for the thoughts to be as they are, real with a hint of mystery. Step lightly so as not to awaken the meaning of thought, all else is undone if have to apply whatever the understanding wants to become. Listlessly stampeding its way into the picture of motion, into the limelight of wellness, being a brilliance far beyond that of just any ordinary thought.

Bring thought from the mind to a realm of reality. Yes, please do, make the mind understand, give it what it needs, let it breathe as freshness to that of a shore’s brisk morn.

And the Beginning moves Right Along…

I hope you enjoy this realm of the written way. Please remove the difficulties of everyday life and enter with a relaxed feeling. The journey through this galaxy of the mind may enlighten the soul’s potential in many different ways. Writing expresses from inward the writer’s spirit a particular path; you, the reader, only need to experience that mental vision by reading the first word, from the first page, of a written piece.

We all have our galaxies, those innermost places where a vision becomes an imagined way of thought. Many artists allow that depth of spirit to meander far inward the mind through an expressed perception, so their art’s existence lives amongst the world’s eye for recognition. We are bringing an emotion through what may or may not be perceived as truth. The journey is then set and the result for your mind’s image is as allowed to be. Embrace this reading domain, and hopefully, you will come back for more.

As trekking the moments of my words take to the soul, an evolution of sorts where imaginative ways of thought are there for your enjoyment...


As time goes on in these ways of life as known, the situation is slowly becoming a changing way of dynamic circumstances. The spirit within ourselves seems to be more inclined to progress toward a definite positive and change constantly in-out with faith. It is so hard to be spiritually positive in your way. Everyone has an opinion about what you should believe in, and who is the best leader in our country ( I have my belief who that is for me, and stand by it). Which way you should go to make a better life for yourself, and how the way of spiritual belief is the right way. It becomes daunting at times, even depressing to some people it is so instilled by different types of media, Pastors (Some of which are wrong about what we should believe in), friends, along family members (And that is a major challenge in itself).

So, here we are, confused as usual, happy as can be but with a gut feeling all the time because of the negative rhetoric here and there, the disasters all over the world and within our country as well. But, take heed of what is about to be said, I have read what can for my learning of being more positive (Even under my ongoing health conditions), studied more about having faith in whatever Higher Power you believe in that would help in the direction for your path needed to be a betterment of self. I in no way have the qualified authority to say or tell you how to live your life and would not do so, this is just my opinion and what I think may help in some ways with your dilemma. Whether it means anything to you is your choice and I respect that choice.

Have faith, yes become more inclined to use prayers (In whichever culture you are in), and give some time to stop and meditate or be quiet someplace. Everything seen on the news is mostly negative but there are some good moments of positive action here and there. Depends upon which station is watched (I have some that I will not watch because of the lies – confirmed – misinformation about our Government direction – confirmed – how life should be led, totally going in the wrong direction as well). Make choices based on the truths that are out there and understandable. Not what everyone wants you to believe in. Give thought to how prayer would help with those decisions. Some spiritual reading as well. You are in your way of belief and should use that for your direction with choices to help from being down, tired of the negative side of life, and just having some positive vibes to go throughout your day.

We all have what comes from within ourselves, those roads trekking life with choices hopefully are the right ones. Using those roads and avenues for learning, taking paths which bring understanding to what you want throughout life, keeping an even balance with you and what your spirit is capable of. The road in front of you may seem daunting, but taking the path that you know will make life down that road bearable comes through all the teachings presented from those avenues you have already gone down. That is what you want from reading, even writing down your thoughts will show a direction in which you may want to go at your speed, of course. Spiritual teachings from reading and prayers – do help. Keep at it, take time for quiet moments, pray as can, and give some thought to how your Higher Power comes into your life and picks you up when down and tired of those negative ways of life. Believe, keep the faith…

The drums are mesmerizing, and surreal, followed by the flute, so warming the spirit as the sound flows through your senses. The air is crisp yet comforting, there is so much to see visually. Majestic mountains and valleys of green, a color found only from what a flower can produce. The Great Spirit lays all of what it can do before us, so the Spirit thus grows from His visionary sense. We, the humanity of what’s called a human being come forth through His touch amongst the foulage and waterways and down there in the valley. As follow the trail up a little higher there is a special lookout point. From the valley, and not the one so vast before me, but the many that pop up one after another past the valleys and over the hills.

There, they have what His creation means. A truth to His existence and how He mandates the wonderment of life through the flowers, air, and water, and soothing the soul with everything seen and heard. The senses are enhanced by which His touch inward encompasses the soul’s wanting to be felt of His presence. As the path makes its way through the valleys, I have a feeling of euphoria. The vision is overwhelming to the point of literally creating the spirit to seek His truth, light of life, and relinquishing to His power of loving life as we all should.

I cannot progress any farther, so I stand and watch the valley’s movement. The Great Spirit brings His lesson to me as an avenue to others I may pass, I thus become a messenger of His wonderment. I will give the truth to His existence through what I have experienced. I am His creation, and then the darkened skies close this chapter, only to be opened by another day, and then another day, until I reach old age and someone else becomes the messenger. They too will pass through the valley of life as I have done. Another journey begins and far reaches the ways of His truth to so many in need of His lessons of life. The soul will know…

Take the time out of the day and reflect on what could be if given the message inward, for the growth only the spirit knows how to use, you, just need to be aware it exists and comes for your attention. Throwing outward the touch for others to follow as well...


The Spiritual Destiny

We are what the Great Spirit planned us to be. In the eyes of one's spiritual destiny is a path of difficulties and triumphs. The course set by the Great Spirit from the beginning of his or her journey through life becomes filled with many lessons and journeys taken for the spirit to grow and flourish with an understanding of their spiritual path.

Which could be a lifetime of learning through his or her paths. One spiritual path is not like the other. Trekking their knowledgeable ways and finding the answers, sometimes not the answer wanted, is all part of the path to spirituality. Resourcing, gaining the material for the lessons as needed, and following what each day brings for knowledge, is one's path to a spiritual destiny.

As the Great Spirit laid out from the beginning, He knows of your challenges, defeats, and the choice for the right path to follow. After all, He designed the journey just for you...

Your Path and Spirituality

There are few spiritual people in our midst, who have decided to become religious. The path for them, maybe thinking being in God’s grace is saying religious instead of spirituality. Is the best way to explain that there is not a spiritual person but someone who requires belief and faith through being religious. Religion is like following what is to a realism of God’s path set for them. Spirituality has many forms of being close to God. A spiritual person can have the same desire for belief and faith, but different perspectives about God’s direction, and His lessons given through His way for clarity to become spiritual, not religious, although the path is much the same. Praying, reading the bible, and looking up different proverbs are all part of getting close to God’s way of being a religious person. All the above-mentioned ways to be close to God are designed to understand His lessons for belief and faith as the bible dictates.

Some people choose to be informed through spiritual beliefs found in the knowledge one gets as learning more about God’s way of being close to their spirit. Bringing belief in God through meditation and reading the bible (A bible with a better understanding of God, not with the hardened way of Kings James version). It is the preference of how the religion is brought through a person’s belief. Do they come to God for personal clarity and follow the ways of a church? Spirituality takes that concept much further. The church is the body, the learned aspects of God’s way are within the spirit’s spiritual paths along a journey designed by God for a closer intellectual conversation with Him. Finding out His purpose for you, one road leads to many avenues of life. Throughout those roads, the journey to find God’s lessons, and being spiritual is filling oneself with His love and knowing He is there for you through anything life may throw at you. A comfort that is far better than feeling religious, bringing God closer inward oneself for an understanding of wanting a real belief in God.

Spirituality is a way to bring the belief and faith learned of God to enter the ways of knowing God’s growth for your spirit. Learned aspects of God, what you are to Him, and the path set forth for God to be present for you spiritually. Lots of information beyond the bible’s capability. One must find a path where information about God is comprehensive enough to follow. The Bible explains in terms of religiously, not spiritually. being close to God. It all balances out through a person’s interest in finding the right direction for learning God’s way set for faith and belief, His many lessons about what you are seeking for God’s existence in your life. Are you believing God’s truth as you know it to be through the Bible’s explanation? Can there be more to God’s way of bringing His faith and belief to your spiritual journey? Both have the same answer, “yes,” because the result is determined by the information brought forth by God’s path. Love, faith, and belief in His ways for you to follow as described through the Bible’s interpretation, and the ways you find in how the spiritual sense from knowing His path is set before you. Lessons, or maybe even blessings, are given so one’s direction is fulfilled for the answers to be had. Biblically and spiritual knowledge will help in understanding the lessons brought forth throughout life’s journey, a quest of sorts, to find God’s way, being nearer in thought with God, so one may be given their truth about spirituality. How does it fit into their life, what does it do for the spirit’s growth about God? There is too much controversy or how to believe in God's way for one’s lifespan about being spiritual rather than religious, most people have a desire to be close to God in their own way. Whichever choice you make God already knows the outcome…

A Long Journey Ahead

Of the many ways one could go and find their path, they seem to be in disarray, becoming difficult to choose which path will produce the results needed for the spirit. As the trek meanders through the forest and into the valley, the distance is seen immediately far, the farthest one has traveled for the spiritual beliefs to be found. Shamans are prone to be filled with knowledge beyond their understanding, other than having the truths fed to them through a spiritual moment and lessons for even more growth set upon the spirit. They know of transcending within themselves for the placement of the blessings, lessons, and mental strength to harbor the knowledge found throughout their journey. It is everything the profound initiative to bring intensity and even more growth to the spirit than thought possible. It is the mystical part of what one has learned. It is nearly impossible to comprehend the power one gains by incorporating the paths and events found along the journey's ability to bring deep inside the shaman's soul. Thus when the time arises the Shaman will bring themselves what is needed for healing ways of life. To promote their wealth of knowledge to whoever is in need...And it is a neverending journey.

The Angel’s Redemption

She is kneeling and looking at the image before her, there, on the wall, is a part of her life. The moment she was given life, far beyond what we imagined it to be. At that instant, she became the living specimen of humanity, an angel for the worldly ways brought through for the purpose only the mortals who believe in her and pray to make her their guide through life, can make happen. She has no regrets, nothing to keep her from being any less than she is. But, she has defied God and did not do what He wanted her to fulfill. The path He so desired for her to make happen was an enormous task and would have killed hundreds of human beings. She did not understand that if did not do what God wanted the deaths would have been so extreme, that there might not be any souls left for His ways of spiritual destiny. The love would have diminished. God had other angels to make the deed happen as per His instructions. It was one...

Her head was bowed, feeling denounced as an angel. She knew if went to God for forgiveness He would most likely remove her as an angel, become someone lost on earth, a wandering less of a humanistic being. She was summoned...

The walk was a long one, in realism a mere trek but she was heavy with remorse. It only seemed longer than usual. God was standing in the garden he normally meanders and makes weary decisions about His kingdom. She slowly walked on the path that went to the center of the garden. Kneeled before God and began to show tears, which angels do not do, feeling so very bad.

"I'm so sorry Lord, the Great Almighty, I am humbled at your feet for forgiveness."

"My Lilly of life, you were forgiven the moment the decision was heard of you not doing as asked. I am God, I love you, and the people of the world wherever they may be. You are strong with my beliefs and make my heart fill with warmth, a reality of your existence. I have forgiven you, my dear."

She looked at God in amazement, and could not believe her fate as it was presented to her from Him.

"Oh Great Lord, how must I redeem myself for the shame I have brought upon myself before you? I will take any punishment you hand to me for my decision."

God said, "My angel, the only punishment going to be given is for you to grow from this experience, and learn that there are going to be harsh and difficult decisions to be had as an angel."

She stood and told God, "I have the strength to make decisions, from you oh Lord, the millenniums ahead will not deter me from doing what is right."

They both walked slowly toward the garden's center and without speaking to each other knew they had an understanding. The angel went on throughout the timeless ways of her existence and never again defied God. She was His angel and did everything as any one of the angels would do for His love and compassion. And the people throughout the world, Earth, were forever touched through prayers she heard from deep within their spirits.


The moments of our daily ways do not promote much of anything beyond what is happening at a particular time. Each event goes as a choice or an action by another. One would tend to be offended by the admiration given is shown to be anything else, but in each of those happenings of thought, walking the timely path becomes reality. It does not change the way one would look upon his or her world, only enhances the outlook, toward a plan. Take small steps and you get to a destination slower than if took long steps but still reach the goal set out to accomplish. Our destiny is given to us from birth and many people would argue the fact, yet in any given idea about how a destiny comes to be real, choices abound throughout the thought process. Notes inward the brain for information that seeks a realm of truth in what destiny is and how it is accomplished. No one person has been able to solve the truth of how it exists. Though we continue to use its pretense for life, we accept there is a destiny and by walking the timely path with it, eventually find it is real and has been with us from the beginning of our life as well. A common denominator of sorts. Speak well of your destiny because of the verbalization of how living that life could be very well lost by the untruth one has spoken. Take the steps as a choice, moving at a slow but methodical pace, and end cometh.

Keeping to the sights of our eyes and listening to what transpires around us, gives an idea of where we are at in any given time frame of the day or night. Very simple ideology but can be deceiving. The mind says there are cars and trucks, buildings and people, thinking it is a city. I look between the buildings one can see the green fields and sense through smell animals are wandering amongst farms. From the standpoint of perception, it is a country, and the city exists within it, but what constitutes the reality it is neither? If not over there in the country, then how does one say they are in it if standing in the middle of a city? And vice versa.

Only the mind can give truth when sight says it has seen the grass upon the feet. The air filled with fresh incense of flowers and trees. Sounds found only in a field set within the confines of the countryside. No beeping from the auto horns, no smell of grit that comes with exhaust, and the air is filled with a slight haze not found in the country. Perception is the key to evolving into a path of understanding and knowledge. Seeing the ways of life and knowing they can change from one step to another. If the point can be taken for a lifestyle of comfort, there may be ways to accomplish walking the timely path, realizing the result of learning what the point is. Wealth within the spirit, from wisdom, has a way of encompassing the many fine points of money but still feeling without even having everything imagined. Another perception that people tend to misread. We do not need to be filthy rich to accomplish wealth. The spirit provides everything needed for free, all one has to do is find it and then embrace the emotions behind it. The task given becomes the route where even in the city, you can still be in the country.

Spirituality at its best.

The Knowledge of Spiritual Growth

The knowing of the path, your avenue for your spiritual trek, is never too far from your mentality. That it does exist and it is made just for you. That trek will become the meaning to a lot of questions you seek for comfort from the Higher Power. His messages come through each avenue and path you take praying as time passes and it may take a very long time, it is His time frame remember. Though moments well down the road can be filled with a euphoria-like feeling, the truth of His meaning will be clear. The path's dimensions are not of our worldly ways. They will always seem somewhat odd, and the maneuvering with your spirit may be undaunting at times. But one only needs the answers to their questions and learn as moving along the path so as not to lose the perspective it beholds.

Keep the faith, be positive, meditate, and relinquish your spirit for a spiritual lesson, that comes with the time frame the Higher Power gives for your moment of truth. It is there and will be found through a perspective analogy only given as a gift, His. Spirituality is something that comes through reading, researching, believing what read is spiritual, and growth for the spirit in so many ways. Find as much reading material for spiritual lessons, not religious, but spiritual.

The wonderment will fill the spirit's cup and overflow with the knowledge it can use for a lifetime of truth...

Another fight had commenced, one after another the evil falls, and the retreating of all evil's angels of death makes for a quiet moment of reflection. Hovering and still ready for anything, he looks around at the carnage. There will be much to clean, although knowing his people will be doing the task of making the large room normal again. The angel feels he needs food and rest, most angels have no thirst or hunger. but he is special to his realm. After admiring the degree of loss for the other side, his people begin to meander about waiting for directions. One approached, "Master? Are you ready to remove yourself to your chambers while we make this room usable again? It always has to be this room, evil must find another field for their death". The angel looks down and gives a nod. He moves with such grace, quietly to his chambers. Waiting for the moment when evil tries to overtake his realm, to infect and make his people defenseless against what evil does, a dark ego, and ill-willed toward all whom they pass. The angel will not let that happen. He has the will of God and the power behind him to withstand anything that may come his way. He has begun his rest, calm, quiet time into a deep sleep...

Spiritual Living

It is difficult to write about something that has so many views tied to it. Many people have their living ways and how they live spiritually. I think spiritual living means bringing faith, love, belief, and daily wanderings into focus. Using this ability, the spirit has to keep the mind in a better mental state during difficult or even happy times. Giving the spirit free rein to accommodate what the soul needs to function, looking spiritually in the direction a path needs to go, so the trek is not distracted from the vision. The vision is not of sight but of heart. Taking the faith-minded truths to a level of understanding. Keeping what the spirit believes in for integrity and character, and also evolving with growth. We must always grow from within. It is hard for some, and many people never reach the levels needed to enrich their spiritual living; becoming svelte with nothing to grow by. Willowy from what not the spirit could intake to become heavy with the growth of love, life, spirituality, and beliefs.

Stepping up to the beliefs and believing what is needed for the spirit to live spiritually, is an important truth to follow. One cannot live with the total direction given by religion without the truth and belief it is there for all concepts of life. How to live through this, what direction to take if trouble happens, and what advice to give and receive. There are many factors to follow, or lead, with religion. I think giving the spiritual side of life, the Bible’s inner strength (but not taking every word as the only way), using many faiths for guidance, and believing in God as a spiritual being, encompasses the mind and soul with a feeling of comfort. Knowing the reading, beliefs, and faith, takes you to another level of consciousness. Being aware of the Lord, His guidance, God’s level for the mind, and the Holy Spirit’s all inner strengths, there is much to learn and decipher. And deciphering is the key to what you want and need from reading whatever is there for your truths to be real.

Spiritual living takes many factors of life and throws them at you from all directions. Catching each one at a given moment for your needs could be a difficult task. That is where faith and strength come in. Deciding which of those thoughts or inner-felt feelings need to be placed for later use, plus the thinking process immediately from the brain so information can be deciphered for understanding. I’m confusing myself here, I think. The process takes enormous amounts of energy, and a willingness to use the brain for understanding spiritual direction, and what is sent from God as opposed to yourself. Have faith though, it all comes together at some point, and you’ll be amazed at how easy it seemed to happen. Read and find everything you need to understand spirituality. That focus takes you beyond religion and helps you to understand where in life you want to go. Religion is not for everyone but can be useful for growth into what spiritual living has to offer in its own right.

The Trying Times of Life

We have some tremendous trials to overcome. The ability to get past the events of late is challenging our spirit’s health. The enemy that is consuming the minds of some people creates heartfelt difficulties inward our souls. It is so difficult to maneuver through life with the heavy felt challenge of not entering the darkness. Trying to take the right roads where the spirit can deal with all the turmoil because of what has been happening. We are feeling low, depressed (Some people), even taking on some hurt inside, and just having so much downward hold on our spirit. Those moments that show time after time about the shootings are making life unbearable with a loss feeling, the families, and everyone involved are hurting terribly. That hurt transforms into a feeling of loss for our spirits because it makes it tough to not feel so bad. We shake our heads, holding them low, the demise is hard to face, and it gets worse each day because of the media going on and on about the tragedies.

But, if we take a moment and allow some prayer to the families, for ourselves, the path the spirit takes is opened before us. There is solace onward the opened door upon the road which gives comfort to our souls. Each time the prayer is given the Higher Power gives us strength to get past the negative and hurt felt for the individuals. We can move on, not losing the indignity of the situation, making it no less of an event that brought on such tragedy. But taking the enemy’s negative and demanding untruth which allows our souls to feel so bad (Which it wants) and removing the hold upon our spirits. Completely denying the path of darkness. Moving forward to a more conclusive understanding of ourselves and the ability to take the strength given to us for moments of feeling so bad about the turn of events in the past days and weeks. He will be there for us. Always praying or a thought which in essence could be a mental prayer, so He makes our spirit filled with love and comfort. Then the road before us has many doors that give us the ability to move comfortably knowing the enemy is near but unable to touch us. We are so much stronger with prayer. Keep the faith…

Loving When Hard To Do

 Are you worthy of the journey? Can you break out of the box you placed yourself in? Loving is hard to do when one cannot allow the spirit to be alive with a character of belief to move forward. Step into the path where you can let go and become the person of you used to be. Worthy of knowing the love is there. Whether for someone, or something, an animal, or a family, it is sometimes difficult when know how they treated you. How life treated you. Where obstacles get in your way, and you let them be there without going past their walls. You need to believe in yourself and the positive and negative are a reality to pass or gain, the negative voice is not there, and loving becomes an easy way to live. Not having the road without a difficult path but getting past the way you love someone else. You choose the given spirit's way of putting yourself out into the world of love and giving it to someone. They then feel that love, have you inside of their spirit for love to live with them, and you, together love make it real. The journey takes a path with choices of loving ways, living throughout life together, right now is when matters, giving love to each other. 

How did that happen when lost faith in yourself? Felt inward of nowhere to go and how love even existed for you. When young, there is love easily because of being innocent and how love is processed from feeling it just is, how life is in an environment you loved. Some do not have that feeling now or are young. They were beaten down, hated life, that growing up was difficult, and hated being you without having love. But if given the path to change the way living is done, get outside the door and create living a different way. Love comes in and lives with you, getting the spirit to learn how it needs it. Another person may feel the same, and you find them. Together you and them, each unto themselves with love, and the path is set. Sometimes life comes in ways that all of a sudden there is a loving way to follow, and the result is togetherness. The meaning of life is known to be those past the walls, past the difficulties, and giving of yourself. Learned from the spirit you are someone of worth. Your journey is made to be in loving ways. Your potential is defined by the reality of living with greatness, believing you are worthy of that pursuit of love.

Onward the road becomes a way to follow, knowing how brave you were to get outside your locked door. Each day was hard, but now, know it was meant to be as it is. Love was not given in ways you were expected. You got past the door of locked life. Outward the road took you past those refusing to gain in love at all. Self-improvement was not available. You did get past those times and became a wonderful person giving love, and receiving love, the spirit and soul are one with you. Inside the mentality of having lived difficult ways, the crossroads were trying to make you perceive yourself as something you weren't. The struggle was something turning into what you decided to receive, love, being the person it can be of themselves, love in your favor, did not stop being someone of importance. The walk becomes easier being outside on the road. Loving the path, the seeing life as it is for you may be hard and harder, but the road takes you along with love. Then all of a sudden you meet someone, who is on the same road of life as you, how was that possible? Love comes in the oddest times. It is not that hard when given the spirit to open up and accept it, no matter what is happening around you in life. Love is always there, not seen or felt, but all of a sudden it becomes a part of you.

The road you walk is then done. Love has come into your spirit. Life is what it is, you are who you are, and boundaries do not exist anymore. Onward down the road, you fought so hard to get past the door of life, when you have come into living ways of love. You have experienced the lessons learned, loving the way life is now, love is inward you. The road does not end, you found your way, love has been there, and you found it. It is a part of you.

As the World Turns

 One thing we know the spirit never rests. It takes what is needed to make your mentality right-minded and give you an inspirational voice. It is your choice while meditating or a quiet place you enjoy going to for the inner voice. Some people never get it, never believe the existence of what it means. The Higher Power is the same way but has a different approach to how He is in your spirit and soul. We all have some beliefs, many are with The Higher Power trilogy, some have their way of being spiritual, and many just do not believe altogether. To each his or her way. I have my spiritual path set and follow the roads with many avenues for lessens and a direction for self. One must begin the trek of belief in the truth of existence for their spiritual living ways.

 As the spirit gains the many lessons within the avenues, it does gain just as your mentality does if walk amongst the ways of living. Choices need to be made whether right or wrong the result is when the truth is found, then the path is set for you to follow. Some are misled by their choices. The spirit is howling its dissatisfaction with the choice. Which begins the wrong path and destruction of your soul. Evil will step in and your life will be miserable. Your spirit knows and will keep you on track in your journey through life with the right choices being made. This comes with your quietness and meditation and/or prayer if you so choose.

 So, as the world turns so does your spiritual path. It is always there for your spirit to trek and give you choices that need to be made, right or wrong the spirit will keep you on track if have belief and faith. 

One step at a time…

Short Stories

And so it begins…

The movement is slow, and methodical, passing different paths. She is looking for a specific direction, an entryway she has been down before. Been so long though. Many years ago, she found it and took it the and ay lookout wed. The experience was far-reaching in her spirit. Never did she forget the way it made her life direction important for her. She makes a turn and stops. The tree that was there is much more grown but still shows her spot. Overgrown somewhat, she takes away as much as can. The path lay before her. Outreaching far into the forest. She knows it must be done. Her movement forward has feelings of despair. This might not be such a good idea. Maybe what she got before from this path’s lesson was to be only a one-time thing. Her entry was apprehensive and slow, it was not the same feeling as before. Why should it? It was many years ago.

She hears the birds, the wind through the trees, and a light brush of wind across her cheeks. It is comforting. Seems to let her know it is an okay type of feeling. Nothing is the same, yet something is making her sense the sight seen is familiar. She treks through the forest, looking at the wonderment of life, and many flowers, off in the distance to the side is a field of different types of flowers. Sometimes the forest beside her is so thick, with an abundance of trees, she wondered how they missed cutting them down when clearing the forest. She can feel the direction getting a little smaller, the path not so wide, the area seen not so outstretched. She continues. Making her way into what might be her last lesson. Her life will change from this experience as it becomes evident in her spiritual beliefs. She wonders if He will be here as before, she must not think too soon, it might not happen. She stops. Looking up ahead it is seen that spot, her rock. That is where she sat, and it happened.

Slowly she makes her way toward the resting point she took before. The closer she gets and senses the surrounding area is calm, with a light breeze, and not so much sound as coming through the forest before she walks down the path. The rock sets in a small clearing, and some bushes line the perimeter in a circular kind of setting, just below the forest’s different trees. She did not notice this when found this spot. She takes small steps, moving closer to the rock, nothing seems out of place for her to do so. When reaching it, she sits on the flat area, as if made for someone to sit upon. She relaxes, breathing slowly, and listens to what sounds are to be heard. It makes her feel less stressed. Something is happening, she does not open her eyes and can feel the breeze turn into a light wind. Hears the bushes and tree limbs move about. The feeling of not being alone flows over her. It is so comforting, her spirit is calm, and a vision of a door appears

Her movements are somewhat slow and moving is not like walking but thinking of going forward makes it happen. She enters through the door and sees a beautiful area, it is a garden. There is a small table and chair at the far end. As she thinks to move toward it, a wonderful hue of bluish, white, light forms where she is to sit. Setting before the light it is unbelievable how intense the brilliance is but not bothering her. Something is beginning to move within the surrounding light, she can see someone, not sure if it is human thought. The sight forming before her is becoming evident, it is an angel. She remembers this happening before, but not until now. She knows not to speak out loud, only through her mind.

“Hello”, she says. The sound of her speaking through her mind seems so surreal, not as if spoken normally.

There is a pause, and then she, as if thinking it is she, speaks to her.

“I have missed you. It has been so long. I knew in time you were to return. The message given before was designed just for that. When become older your spirit will direct you. You are such a wonderment of life; your path was designed for you. Each choice you made would be yours but nudged from the spiritual sense. There is more to come, you have not reached your destiny’s end. I am giving spoken words to you so understand in your sense how heard.”

She sits in wonderment. A feeling of warmth flows over her. A long pause again, she is trying to figure out what to say.

“I have had such a wonderful life. What was given to me the last time was all-encompassing of my spirit. I knew when to make hard decisions, and there would be some help if needed, I had no outward sense of what was happening other than the decision was made. Always had some kind of thought to come to the forest. Look for the passageway into where something happened, it was never a strong thought. The way of life was what I paid attention to. It has and I assume will be a wonderful experience.”

She felt odd giving words that way. The vision before her was overwhelming, the beauty cannot be explained, so calming.

“You did well on your path. There was always help when needed. The feeling inward to come here was going to creep up throughout your life, checking if it were time to follow that thought. Those choices made by you were mostly from your spirit, you made the choice happen. The help, a nudge sort of way, was only given if found to be of importance to how the decision was directed, follow your way of thought. This moment is another step for your path to be as you want but will have many decisions to come, and the direction will be given from those choices made. What you are not aware of, is my touch upon your spirit, those spiritual feelings are real. They exist for you to grow from, learn by, and give outward sometimes as needed. That lesson is given because you are special. A being of wonderful existence to humanity. Everyone you are with comes away from some kind of goodness, a sense of being with a special person. Why? Because the spiritual aspect of your soul was chosen to be that kind of being. From the beginning of your life, as you grow inward there will be a growth of sorts from a spiritual Higher Power. He was going to be your strength, beliefs, love, and everything you have come to be now. Yes, you are going to have more to your destiny, if destiny is the word you understand better. Much of what you hear now will not be remembered. Your spirit will have all it needs to guide your soul through this life you live, He will be there always. He intends to make you feel confident and strong, yet humanistic and loving from your heartfelt ways of thought toward others. Your presence will be needed, and when left, their way of life will change. He chose you because your spirit was so alive with love. That is hard to believe, you are capable of touching other spirits. It is how you were made up, that seed was given something hard to explain in your way of thought, He was the designer. This lesson will keep growing inside of you. The path you want to follow is there and will continue throughout your life with a strong feeling it is the right way to go. Your destiny as you call it is set with helpful ways of thought, they will be there when needed, and He will have His door open always for you.”

She sits and wants to say something, but it seems to be hard to think of words. As if blocked by some kind of force, or a sense of loss to create a word. What an odd thing to happen.

She begins to open her eyes. The wind is here still, slowly it subsides to a breeze. Was she asleep? It is so weird to feel this way. She looks around, the flowers and plants are wonderful, and this area has not changed. As if it was supposed to be, she thinks. How long has she been here? Her watch shows only minutes have passed. Her thought is to leave. Not without gazing as much as possible at the intense moments that it brought. The sights, sounds, the flower colors, all come into her spirit for a place to be had at moments of thought. She has a defined mental awareness of what her path needs. With confidence, those defined treks will become a reality. Will, is the operative word of meaning. The movement is slow, she begins her walk out of this place, looking back one more time to take in as much as possible. This place may come again. When she does not know. Leaving the forest was calming, a feeling she hopes to get every time visits for her walks.

She is home, reflecting on the forest’s experience. She knows something was given to her, the feelings she can sense inward are stronger. Seems her spirit has become filled with lessons of living life. When and where they come about is not known. All she can wonder is if they will be there when needed. Her thoughts tell her the path can be taken as she plans, making the direction with choices that are made with confidence. Where these thoughts come from, she will not question. They have a purpose. The journey begins when she goes back out there in life, doing what she does, living as she did, and being with people as before, yet all of it will be different. Inside of her mentality was a strength she had not felt before. Dressed, looks around the room, the front door, opening slowly. She moves out into life’s path for the day. The way of her spirit has grown for this moment in time. And so, it begins…

The Spirit of One

The presence is not that overwhelming until you feel the power behind the essence of his being, the spirit you cannot see. His features take on a formulation of strength one would tend to stand back and admire, then back away from because of what it tells. The hands are large and show a strong sense but have a sensitive or gentle movement to them. The man sets himself amongst the people who come to witness a death. They whisper, gawk, and then whisper some more as they see the expressionless face of a warrior, knowing nothing of the spirit inside. He has no fear and speaks with his spirit to the great people that surround his being, all of whom have died well before his time. The guides give him comfort telling him of the wonderful ways of their world. Showing they will reside with them and help others who need guidance and direction from within their prayers. Gray Eagle is not very old; if years were to be the case of telling age, his would be thirty. So much of his time was to lead.  A leader of people that was slowly becoming extinct, if only could hold on for a while longer, they would be given what had been praying for.

Hands tied, feet tied, he sits waiting for the hangman. His case was quick and without any defense. He killed many men and women, and a few children, the witnesses said. Gray Eagle knew his killing of men was in self-defense, no women were killed, and certainly no children. He looks at the people around him and can’t help to wonder why they enjoy killing him so much when death is something sacred and without mockery. Silence begins to fall like a newly washed sheet falling onto a bed. The dirt no longer flows into the air by shuffling feet. The man has come, the hangman for Gray Eagle.  

This day comes with glee to many; the people up in the hills feel sorrow. They are going to lose their leader, the father of their tribe. They have no one to be as he, no one to give the true direction of heart for the path to be heard. What will they do? They look at one another quietly, and ask each other with their lonely eyes, what will they do? 

The hangman stands Gray Eagle up placing the loose nap bag over his head. He says a prayer out loud, and the people become wide-eyed, he speaks, and they are overcome with joy. His point was not to be startling only to forgive them and ask the Great Spirit for a true resting within his domain, the sacred grounds he kept secret for so many years. The loose was tightened and Gray Eagle gulped for air, trying for his last breath.

A look from the hangman to Gray Eagle’s eyes gave him some discomfort. The hangman always saw fear in a man’s eyes, as he was to pull the staff, yet saw none in these eyes. Something else was there. Some kind of movement that told a story, if seemly was able to watch long enough, an eagle and a mountain, a river flowing with purity, and love. The hangman shook his head and then glared at Gray Eagle with mean and defying eyes. No one would stop his task of killing and not an Indian. A hush fell across the people. They watched intently without any feelings, just stood and watched.  

As the hangman gripped the staff that would open the floor from under the Indian, he could sense this was not going to be an easy hanging. The wood could be felt by his palm, it glistened from the many hangings he had done. The wood was made smooth and showed a beautiful texture. He was hanging an important man to the Cherokee tribe, almost a holy man. That brought shivers to his normally hardened spine and pulled the staff. The wooden floor from being opened made a horrendous noise and the rope tightened then loosened. Bouncing up and down coming to rest straight, with nothing at the end, there was no one there. The hangman looked down through the hole in the wooden floor and saw nothing but dirt. People were bent overlooking the underneath part of the gallows and saw no one. It was so strange that nobody could panic. Just a whisper or two, some movement of people trying to look closer, all knew this was not right. The hangman had no real emotion. As his eyes became tiny little slits from squinting toward the hole in the wooden floor, his attention was taken to the sky. He felt compelled to look upward and saw an eagle gently flying. The biggest eagle he would ever see. Massive wings and perfect in every way, soaring with ease. 

Gray Eagle was feeling the wind caress his feathers, lifting him without any difficulty at all. A beautiful and happy moment soaring with the hands of the Great Spirit to guide him back to his people. He may not be there in the flesh but will take them to the sacred land from this means of life. An eagle gave in the stories he had told his children and tribesmen. That was no wise tale, but the truth, his father and grandfather told him would happen. He was the leader to be given the Great Spirit’s touch and become the special guide his people needed. Nothing mattered now except to go and let the tribe know it was him and would be there for their travels. He looked back to the eyes of the hangman though; nothing more needed to be seen or felt, the hangman knew it was Gray Eagle and the journey had begun.


Loving Ways

 With the way life is, coming and going with events given for challenges and tributes, it is still hard to live it. Enter the ways of distant thoughts of past ways that were difficult. Enter the ways of future mindsets that give of yourself, making life less of troubled thoughts brought through the spirit’s hardened difficulties occurring in past ways. If that makes sense. Loving outward is sometimes difficult to do, handling the thought where it should be directed. Putting yourself out there and saying “I love you” is giving of your spirit to another, where they can or cannot accept that offering of your inner-self. It can be painful if not accepted. Yet, there may be reasons that you do not know or understand happening in their lifeways. Can they accept your gift without being troubled by the living ways they may be going through? They may not know how to accept the love you want to give. They may not sense the comfort of how love enters their spirit.

The path from one spirit to another comes in many different ways. How do they come to accept that path, with you, or another if given choices? What do you want from them, and how do you expect to be seen from your standpoint? Choices are now in effect; someone needs to be direct with which way one can be given the love and to whom. Will they become aware of your gesture to make love a part of their spirit’s way? How do you make that awareness an event of life’s direction? It all encompasses each of your choices and theirs also. When life comes and makes the path difficult, and hard inward to understand its reasoning why that needs to happen, giving of yourself may be the way to make the path not so hard to trek. Love can be powerful, demanding, constantly awarding, or misleading, that path you are now on with it will come to an end reasoning. You may not like what love has to say. Thereinto itself lies the difficulties. Can you accept what endpoint they may demand exists for them, not you, but want to include you without making it a choice for them and you? Do they want your love, or just being there as is?

It can be hard and easy at the same time, understanding that point will make it more tolerable and less hurtful knowing you are only there for comfort, not both love and comfort. Which may in the future change. Life only shows the now, and it comes in ways you need to understand and is meant for lessons. Then growing the way of life becomes another lesson of how love is so difficult to cultivate outward yourself. Life will show what can be done, you need to learn the ways of how. When the path shows itself, can you know if they will be allowed to accept what you are giving? Each step of the path has beginnings to many different walkways into your spirit’s understanding of love and giving it to someone else. It happens often, the spirit’s life path and love always come into play within the events of living. They, whom you may choose, or they choose you, can be enveloped with loving ways. Make your life and theirs filled with comfort, happiness, and all-knowing of each other spiritual ways, each unto their path but with both having the same filling of their soul’s love. You and they are showing life’s path as two, lessons are given, understanding of each other mentality, and another direction of loving ways. That is when you know giving of yourself is real, positive even if difficult. The main reason makes sense, you are on the right path.

Sounds That Speak

Listening to the sounds of the wind through the trees. Within that wind is a musical way of the heart and soul. In many ways, sound can produce an avenue to follow from the soul’s perspective. Each path from those avenues has meanings and lessons just for the heart to be comforted by sound. The wind makes its music for the pleasure of the listened soul, an avenue of life and living within it. Your way is filled with many delights the soul can engulf for the listening pleasure alone. Onward does the wind produce the music of sound, it is a wonderful way of life’s magical delight for the path within to follow and find the living ways of truth to the soul’s avenue of life. Many roads are to be followed by just listening to the sound of wind through trees. Walk slow and feel the wind in the air, the light sound can become harsh at times, yet, also so comforting. With each step within the forest and hills of trees, much can be felt and heard. Life itself runs as it does. Hard and harsh at times, then becoming soft and calm at times. Then the feeling of life is felt in many ways. The avenue is going as does the soul’s living ways. Up and down then smooth and fast, or it may be only flat and boring. The messages if listened to hard enough can be said within the sound, take this path to that for the meanings to be known.

Have the ways of life gone in those ways also? Do you listen hard enough for the messages to be heard, ways of the soul’s wonderment of enlightened sound, words for the direction of a lesson? They come through as does the wind in the trees, entering the mindset for comfort and demanding nothing but the truth to faithful wonderment of listened-to sounds. Those messages have some lessons for the soul, sounds making their way inward as if woven through specific words of speech. To be heard by only you and what the mindset says is right. Step by step the sounds make their way into your thoughts as wanting a beginning of paths to be followed. Each turn in the path comes with a sight of only sound could produce, listening as looking over a mountain and lake below has ways to the heart’s yearning for life’s delightful images, many that come to us in sight and sound, yet have more for the soul than could imagine existed.

Then back to the trees the direction goes, they are calling out to you also, way up above and with conviction. Many are to be found along your path back to reality. Back to where the beginning of sounds came to you from. Listen again, there within the trees are the hard ways of life, direction seemingly as if words. Is it real? Does it mean many avenues are for just the soul to follow or can it make its way outward into life? Where does everyone then have a way to remove what have learned from their experience? Keep the sound path inward so can be kept only for your living lessons. They were sent for you and given as a gift from your path, those many avenues that bring messages, enlightened gifts of sound. Your ways of life are different than many. The roads you took were designed from the tree of sounds, music only you were given, the mindset was engulfed by your soul’s delight to hear those sounds. Special ways of the heart to follow. Keep them to yourself. Reality cannot remove such sounds of life you took, and lessons learned as if heard by words. The sound took you on many roads and found ways to make your life better within yourself. There is the part of which you give outward. Giving of yourself where learned harshness and comfort, learned sounds from the trees are demanding of your thoughts, living as does the sounds. Up and down life’s roads, giving of yourself with those ways of betterment. Each unto itself, the walls are not there anymore, but the strength is still empowered throughout yourself. Nothing has a way to remove those feelings given from the many paths the soul took for learning of life’s living ways outside of the sounds and music of the trees. They are yours, all of what you went through, those sights felt from the wind’s path in and out of the leaves, branches, trigs, back again through another tree. Then the music was for you. Comfort beyond what you could believe existed. The stepping stones of life were shown and used as messages for your soul. The words listened were for your heart’s delight and loving ways outward for many later. That was the message of life, become someone of loving ways. A soul’s direction to heal and bring comfort. Thus, the road had many avenues which were meant to be given for the ways of spirit. The end never becomes nonexistent, only made to be far-reaching and never-ending.


My Galaxies, and visions I created from a photo. Worlds within the Galaxies and stars surrounding them. Embedded within the clouds, not really clouds but emission nebulas. Glowing clouds from an interstellar gas cloud dominated by neutral hydrogen atoms. What your mind envisions is my thought process grating these Galaxies for you to take inward and follow your imaginative path. looking at my creations just for your mindful ways to explore.

As you visualize the aspect of the image, give your mind a portal where the spirit can take in the sense of what beauty is, and how mother nature gives so freely. Each moment the visual concept takes hold of your spirit the road to an inner direction is taken. That road is a trek that creates the feelings you are sensing and will carry for the rest of your life.
